Tuesday, October 5, 2021



Brief 3: Magazine and online 

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)

Statement of intent - Magazine 

My brief is to produce the front covers and the contents page(s) of the first two editions of a new lifestyle magazine that is being launched by Hearst and two pages for the working website for the magazine. Reverie magazine will target an audience of young women from the ages of 16 to 25, as my research suggested that most lifestyle magazines are gender targeted.  Most lifestyle magazines targeting a female demographic use representations of females on the cover, direct mode of address, short and sensationalist sell lines, vivid colour schemes, and cover lines that discuss workouts, fashion, beauty, celebrity gossip, exclusive articles from celebrities, horoscopes and trends. To engage the target demographic, I will use models of this age and representations of different social groups to connote inclusivity and reflect the ideologies associated with mainstream youth culture, including left-leaning political ideology promoting expression of gender and sexuality. I will use the genre convention of a bright colour scheme across my magazine covers as its more likely to appeal to a younger audience. Mise en scene across both my covers and contents pages will be similar to establish a clear sense of branding and allow the new readers to get to know the magazine. Both my covers and contents pages will include different colour schemes, costumes, makeup, articles, photos and social groups, which will make the mise en scene different. 

Statement of intent - Website 

The same house style will be sustained through a strong sense of branding onto the magazine website. The pink, white and black colour palette will dominate the page design. I found that the websites included the masthead on their websites which I will include because this will create and reinforce the idea of brand identity, with the reverie logo being positioned in the corner as well as the Hearst logo. 

Advertisements will be placed throughout the page, suitable to the 16–25-year-old demographic

like mental health hotlines, second hand clothes apps, party holiday packages, skincare products and discount apps for students.  The articles will include topics that attract my target demographic including fashion, celebrity news, gossip, social media, shopping ideas, all of which are subjects I found in my research from articles on lifestyle magazines. The audio-visual element of this website will be in the form of a fun interview with a young social media influencer showing what is in her bag. (From my research I have found the magazines in addition to their feature article include an audio-visual element that is often a Q&A, games, would you rather and what's in my bag videos). Reverie’s social media accounts will be advertised at the top and the bottom of the website to attract and satisfy the expectations of the younger audience who are the main modern day media consumers with the 16-25 years olds being the biggest social media consumers.  

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words) 

To encourage my audience to refer to my magazines website after reading the magazine, I will use sublines on both the front cover and within the contents page telling readers to go to the website for more articles and exclusive content. To make the products digitally convergent, each issue edition will include multiple scannable QR codes on the contents pages that will link directly to the website. From my research of similar magazines, advertisements of the subscriptions to the magazines are on every page of the website so I will include a pop-up advertisements of the magazine subscription and both the editions will be advertised for sale, as well as a subscription offer at the bottom of the home page and linked page.

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